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How an Education App Increase 58% Organic Downloads Through Keyword Research

In today's case, we will discuss the evolution of the language learning app by using Appranking marketing intelligence.


How an Education App Achieves Stunning Organic Downloads Through AppRanking Keyword Research

Appranking is a necessary way for your app marketing strategy to succeed. Without proper optimization of your app's listing, including keywords and visuals, your efforts to attract users may fall short. Users who stumble upon a poorly optimized listing may be less likely to download your app.

To illustrate the power of Appranking, we would like to share a case study in which we helped a mature audio education app increase its organic downloads by 58% within 6 months. In this post, we will explore how the app evolved using Appranking intelligence. It's important to note that while keywords are essential for organic growth, other factors such as visual elements, average ratings, and reviews can also impact your listing's conversion rate.

In this post, we will discuss the evolution of the education app by using Appranking marketing intelligence. Keep in mind that not only do keywords play an important role in the organic growth of an app, but all visual elements, the average rating, ratings, and reviews can all help to improve your listing's conversion rate.


What results did we get after the Appranking data analysis and ASO optimization?

  • +58% app organic downloads within 6 months;
  • Improved keywords ranking on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store;
  • Improved app rating: the app's average rating improved from 4.3 to 4.7, which helped to increase user confidence and trust in the app.

App Story

Our client, a language-learning app, had been struggling to increase their organic downloads despite investing in various paid marketing strategies. They wanted to reduce their marketing spend and focus on organic growth to expand their user base and reach more potential customers.

Our team suggested optimizing their app store page with Appranking analysis and ASO techniques to improve their visibility and attract more organic downloads.


The client's app was struggling to gain traction in a crowded market filled with well-established players. With a limited marketing budget, the client had to rely on organic downloads to expand their user base. Our challenge was to identify the most effective keywords that would increase the app's visibility on app stores and drive organic downloads.


To start, we conducted comprehensive keyword research to pinpoint the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for our client's app. Our analysis included examining the app's existing metadata, market intelligence, competitor apps, and user reviews to gain valuable insights into the target audience's search behavior.

Appranking will suggest some keywords first and you can track them, which are related to "Duolingo" "youtube kids" and "brainly" as well as their combinations to form mid and long-tail keywords and some competitor keywords. We included in the list the keywords with a medium/high search level that define the app's main focus. (Note: the app blow just for demonstrating for the sake of privacy protection of our clients)

Appranking|tracked keywords

After tracking these keywords, you can review their information, including keywords rank, search volume, chance score, and other data.

Appranking|keywords ranking, search volume, chance, difficulty

What can you do to optimize and expand your keywords?

Appranking|keyword explore


Based on our research, we recommended the following strategies:

Identify long-tail keywords

Our team identified relevant long-tail keywords that had high search volume but less competition. By targeting these keywords, we were able to improve the app's visibility in app stores and attract users who were searching for specific learning resources.

Use keyword variations

We recommended using keyword variations to optimize the app's metadata. By using different variations of the same keyword, we were able to rank the app for multiple search queries.

Optimize the app's title and description

We optimized the app's title and description with the most relevant and high-traffic keywords. We also made sure that the app's metadata was well-written and compelling to attract more clicks.

We considered the different effects of the text fields as well as the various ways of optimizing the tab in the two stores.

Monitoring and optimization

We monitored the app's performance regularly and made necessary changes to the keywords to ensure that the app continued to rank higher in app stores.

Appranking | App Market Analysis and ASA Analytics platform will show you them all for free. Start your 7-day free trial in Appranking, get deep ASO, ASA Analytics, and App Market Insights, and boost your app. (Note: the app below is just for demonstrating for the sake of privacy protection of our clients)

Appranking| summary of today of ranked keywords



Thorough keyword research is a proven method for increasing the visibility of education apps on app stores and driving organic downloads. By analyzing the app's competition, conducting extensive keyword research, and optimizing the app's metadata with relevant and high-traffic keywords, our client achieved a significant increase in organic downloads and improved their app's rating.

For education apps looking to expand their user base and compete with established players in the market, investing in app intelligence is a cost-effective strategy.

We are here to help you if you want to take your business to the next level. Increasing your App Ranking in Google Play & iOS-Appranking can help you find the key to success.

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