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Winning Marketing Strategies to Increase 300% Installs for Your App

Just two months into 2023, we already have customers growing their downloads by 300%, registrations by 230%, and conversion rates by 2x. How do they do it?

Winning Marketing Strategies to Increase 300% Installs for Your App

A global pandemic increased demand for mobile experiences. Some apps seize the opportunity in time and implement right marketing strategies to achieve great success.

Just two months into 2023, we already have customers growing their downloads by 300%, registrations by 230% and conversion rates by 2x.

How do they do it? 

Read on!

Show your app with videos

App videos in the iOS App Store play automatically. This means that users will see the start of your app video right away. The average video watch time, however, is only 4 to 6.5 seconds. You should convey your app's main value propositions in the first three seconds for maximum impact. Begin the clip with the most persuasive and enticing message — and don't rely on sound to do so!

Optimize your screenshots in the store

Poor visuals will cause users to skip right past your app, so screenshots must be eye-catching. They can be of three types:

Feature-oriented screenshots

These are actual screenshots of your app. They highlight distinct value propositions and highlight key features. If your user interface is what distinguishes you from other apps, this is a good way to emphasize that fact.

Lifestyle-oriented screenshots

These visuals are meant to elicit an emotional response from the user of your app. They include emotive images and real-world elements that depict your ideal customer's lifestyle. This is a worthwhile tactic to test if your app's user interface is not the primary value proposition.

Hybrid screenshots

This strategy combines the previous two strategies by incorporating app features and lifestyle-oriented visuals. It provides the best of both worlds because the user is emotionally invested while also seeing the functional value of what you have to offer.

Avoid repetitive information

Because you only have a few seconds to pique a user's interest, you must highlight as many features as possible in the quickest and most effective manner. Repetitive messaging conveys a limited offering and gives the impression that you don't have any other features to showcase. This results in an immediate decrease in further exploration and can significantly harm conversion rates.

Use A/B testing tool

A/B testing allows you to make changes to your store listing while gathering valuable data on elements that influence user behavior. Because app stores are dynamic, what works now for conversion optimization may not work in a few months. You must continue to monitor and test.

Prepare correct search ads campaign

When you are deploying your search ads plan, don't just focus on your brand keywords themselves, you also need to pay attention to the misspellings of brand keywords, competitors' brand keywords, etc. The following are a few search advertising tips summarized for you by Appranking's sister platform AppAds.

  • Think about what keywords users are likely to search for. What keywords are they likely to use? Are the brand keywords correct? Is there a list of competitor brand keywords? What are the broad keywords? What are the most common misspellings? Don't forget about slang!
  • Exact match and broad match work together. Use broad match to capitalize on search trends and peaks. Use exact match to control when your ad appears. Add negative keywords for non-performing keywords.
  • Always keep an eye on the performance of your brand keyword ads. Is it appearing at the top of the search results? If not, you may need to increase your bids.


If you're still confused about how to do app marketing after reading the above TIPS, I can give you a simple summary here.

Improve your app's performance in the app stores!

From the product perspective, you can optimize the creatives of your app. From the marketing perspective, you can optimize your advertising strategy.

The combination of smart mobile marketing platform and smart search advertising tools can help you carry out the above optimization process smoothly.

Subscribe any plan on Appranking, you can enjoy 30% off on AppAds during 3.6~3.31!

Combine ASO & ASA to fuel your app growth!




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