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How to Utilize Keywords Tools to Improve App Marketing Performance (1)

This article will guide you to make full use of Appranking, a comprehensive platform of app marketing, to optimize keywords and other app store metadata.


How to Utilize Keywords Tools to Improve App Marketing Performance

Almost all app marketers are aware of the importance of keywords in the app promotion process, because keywords serve as a link between what people are looking for and the material you're giving to meet that need. But at the same time, there are many people who suffer from the lack of a powerful yet easy-to-use tool that allows them to manage their keywords.


I'd like to introduce you an all-in-one data analytics & app marketing performance management solution -- Appranking, a data-driven platform that combines App Store Optimization, Search Ads Intelligence and Market Intelligence.


It not only provides some basic keyword optimization services, app advertising bidding information, etc., but also provides some intelligent solutions for marketers based on unique algorithms to improve marketers' decision-making efficiency and optimize input-output ratio.


With Appranking, you can make the most of your keywords. Next we will discuss in depth how to use Appranking's ASO Intelligence to achieve app benefits.


Keywords selecting

Once you start your keyword research on the Appranking dashboard, you will first need to add an app to track, whether it is your own app or another app that you want to look deeper into, but be aware that the amount of apps you can add is limited, so please choose the app you want to add carefully. You can then add a competitor for this app, which is not mandatory, but if you add a competitor at this step, you can subsequently use Appranking more efficiently.


After that, you can go to the ASO section and start managing your keywords.


In the Keywords Tracking section, you can add the keywords you want to track for your app one by one or upload a file. If you are just starting to promote your app and don't know which keywords to focus on, you can refer to Appranking's recommendations.


Take Twitter as an example, you can manually add some keywords of the application you want to track. But you can also pick some keywords from Competitor Keywords, Category Keywords, Keyword Research and Ranked Keywords that you think are valuable to track.


Reddit can be viewed as the competitor of Twitter, so we can refer reddit's keywords, like "reddit", "medium", "social" and so on. It is worth noting that the incomplete spelling of your brand words also needs attention, and putting attention on these keywords can make users search for your brand faster.

keywords suggestion

In addition, Category Keywords and Ranked Keywords show some reliable information, and Keyword Research will list some popular, similar and associated keywords to give marketers more ideas to expand their keywords.


If you still think the above steps are too troublesome, you can use Keywords Suggestion. You just need to add a few competitors and we will automatically provide you with valuable keywords. You can extract and track them directly.


keywords suggestion


Keywords monitoring

By this time, you should have added a number of valuable keywords through all of the above channels.


Real-time monitoring

If you believe that there are some keywords so important that you need to look at them closely, you can monitor them in real time by clicking on "track" in the Tracked Keywords list. Then you can have a customized notification of keywords changes based on your settings, including application store, country, etc. In addition, you can also choose whether you want to turn on daily reminder, in which you can freely choose when to receive them.

keowords monitor


Keywords dashboard

Appranking also provides a Keywords Distribution dashboard where you can see how different keywords are working. You can be guided by it to optimize the keywords you pay attention to.

keywords ranking distribution

Appranking will also give you some clear information for your reference if you want to step out of the limits of your app and just observe what is happening with some specific keywords.


For example, We can provide the search volume, the number of search results, the popularity of a certain keyword as well as the top5 apps under that keyword and its changes in different countries and different app stores.

keywords top 5 app



Keywords are a crucial element of an app in the App Store or Google Play, and if you want to perform well in the store, you must spend enough time, effort and even money on it. Today's article only mentions how to use Appranking to track your keywords, subsequent articles will guide you on how to use our platform to do deeper research as well as optimization.


Appranking is a powerful data-driven platform where you can get almost all the data you want to know about your app. And we have different sections such as App Store Optimization, Apple Search Ads and App Marketing Intelligence to provide a one-stop service for your app promotion. It's worth noting that a large part of our features are free to use, which can greatly improve the ROI of marketers in promoting your apps.


Join Appranking now!




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